Vegetation Issues

You will notice that many of of our lakes are experiencing a higher than usual vegetation issue and you maybe wondering why? Vegetation needs sunlight, warm or warming water, and nutrients. You also maybe thinking, it has been colder and clouder than normal, shouldn't this reduce the amount of vegetation? Normally you would be right. But, the third indegrediant is nutrients, and with all the run-off from all the rain, most lakes have had more than the normal amount of nutrients added to the lakes. Thus we have had an unusual amount of filamentous algae (FA) in our lakes. FA is the green slimmy stuff that people often call snot grass. One of the things we are doing to combat this issue is to fertilize some lakes to reduce the amount of light and add plant life back into the water column. We have already fertilzed Supher Bluff Deer Trial, Sulpher Bluff Timber lake and Leesburg Julain Lake. We will be fertilizing several more lakes over the coming weeks, including Leonard-Clymer, Weston-SW lake and several others. Fertilizing does not work 100% of the time on 100% of the lakes. And my no means is it a magic bullet.  But for many lakes it can have an imact of the quality of water, which in turns helps the fish and then in turn makes for a better fishing trip.