May 01 2023
Dave Ebner
Reservation Number : 36100
Property Name : Triple J Ranch
Reservation Date : 04/30/2023 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 20 +
Lures Used : White weightless Zoom trick and hand crafted spinner
Sat on my dove bucket, moved around on the lower half, and fished for a couple of hours with a white weightless Zoom trick worm and a hand crafted spinner ( gold Colorado blade, black curly tail with firey pink/organge head and tail). 20+ to 4 lbs with more than usual undersized fish. Most were on the spinner.
The lake is full and gentily overflowing. water is slightly off color. A little pond scum, but the huge soccerball belliied carp appeared to be chowing down as fast as it could.
May 01 2023
Alex Elrod
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Dave, on a recent trip out there I didn’t have anywhere near your luck (skills!) while fishing but man did that carp spook the mess out of me. I was in the zone walking the bank when it must’ve been less than a foot off the shoreline and exploded back towards the water – I only saw its back half and tail but goodness it was way bigger than I anticpated. The amount of water and silt it displaced when it kicked around to go back deeper into the water made me think something fell from the sky!