Triple J

May 01 2023

Dave Ebner


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Reservation Number : 36100
Property Name : Triple J Ranch
Reservation Date : 04/30/2023 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 20 +
Lures Used : White weightless Zoom trick and hand crafted spinner

Sat on my dove bucket, moved around on the lower half, and fished for a couple of hours with a white weightless Zoom trick worm and a hand crafted spinner ( gold Colorado blade, black curly tail with firey pink/organge head and tail).  20+ to 4 lbs with more than usual undersized fish. Most were on the spinner.

The lake is full and gentily overflowing. water is slightly off color. A little pond scum, but the huge soccerball belliied carp appeared to be chowing down as fast as it could.

May 01 2023

Alex Elrod


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Dave, on a recent trip out there I didn’t have anywhere near your luck (skills!) while fishing but man did that carp spook the mess out of me. I was in the zone walking the bank when it must’ve been less than a foot off the shoreline and exploded back towards the water – I only saw its back half and tail but goodness it was way bigger than I anticpated. The amount of water and silt it displaced when it kicked around to go back deeper into the water made me think something fell from the sky!

May 02 2023

Dave Ebner


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Originaly Posted By Alex Elrod

Dave, on a recent trip out there I didn’t have anywhere near your luck (skills!) while fishing but man did that carp spook the mess out of me. I was in the zone walking the bank when it must’ve been less than a foot off the shoreline and exploded back towards the water – I only saw its back half and tail but goodness it was way bigger than I anticpated. The amount of water and silt it displaced when it kicked around to go back deeper into the water made me think something fell from the sky!

JJJ was a couple -three feet lower at first , 20 years ago. Water lillies dotted the water by the dam, a good spot to catch a lunker in the summer or at least have a few good blow ups on a BIll Plummers frog. Duck weed was around most of the lake by May and coon tail dominated a lot of the area and offered good fishing with a weed-wing or weigtless plastic.  The water was generally clear allowing the vegetation a run of the pond which made it more difficult to fish year around.

The water level was raised and the trees along bank by the creek were now in the water, the boat ramp by the small dam became a hot spot for bedding spring bass, and the pilings by the Texas shaped pool would only show their heads above water in dry years. During one of the dry years brush piles were added followed by grass carp to control the summer matting. 

JJJ became a better year round fishery with the new under water structure and 5+ lbs begame. more common. The water claritity becomes more off with a heavey rain or high wind but neither seem to interfere with the bite.