Quick trip to Black Hat

Apr 09 2023

John Hufstedler


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Reservation Number : 35816
Property Name : Black Hat
Reservation Date : 04/08/2023 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 1 cull bass, 1 catfish
Lures Used : In-line spinner, Stubby’s catfish bait

My guest and I wanted to catch a few catfish, but had limited time and even less luck.  Fished from noon till 3 from the dock.  Caught one 7.9 lb catfish (25-¼ inches) and one 13 inch bass. The catfish was a thrill and made the afternoon worthwhile.

As always Blackhat is well maintained. The lake is full and I'm sure holding some good bass.

Apr 09 2023

John Freeman


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Black Hat hasn't been producing bass the past year and a half like it has in the past. Not sure if last year drought and or otters knocked it back. It is a beautiful property. Maybe it will make a comeback next couple years.