Apr 07 2023
David Lopez
Reservation Number : 35822
Property Name : Briar Branch
Reservation Date : 04/06/2023 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 10 ranging between 2 to 4 pounds
Lures Used : Drop shot and Texas rig worms. Ratters and Frogs.
This was my first time at Briar Branch. If you plan on using a Kayak you need to know you can not deploy a trolling motor or pedal drive until you clear the shoreline vegetation. It is thick and from what I could tell runs pretty must around the entire lake. Once you get past the vegetation you are in about 12 to 14 feet of water. The day I was there the water temp was in the low 60s, cloudly day, and water visibility was just a few feet. I fished the edge of the vegetation in deep water with a drop shot and then a Texas Rig. Bass were hitting the worm at the bottom and sometimes mid-water column. When they hit, they hit hard. Tons of fun reeling them in. Sun broke out for a bit and I tried a rattler and had some success with that too. Again throwing just on the edge of where the shoreline vegetation starts up.
After two hours on the lake fighting the winds I put the kayak up and bank fished with a frog skimming across the thick vegetation. I had some pretty awesome hits and pulled in a few more nice ones. All in all a nice afternoon of trying the learn about the lake and thinking about what my strategy will be next time I go there. Which I definitely will.
Apr 07 2023
Chris Haller
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Thanks for the report. This lake is on my to-do list.
Is that live scope on your yak? Nice set up!