Slow Afternoon at Blackjack

Mar 27 2023

Wendell Vines


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Reservation Number : 35642
Property Name : BlackJack Ranch
Reservation Date : 03/25/2023 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 10 / up to 15"
Lures Used : Many

Fished a beautiful warm afternoon at BlackJack with unusually low numbers for this time of year.  Lake is full to bottom of the pier.  Confirmed previous reports of extensive weeds and cwater clarity, but had no trouble powering the Bass Raider thru the weeds with 40 lb troll equipped with weedless wedge prop.  Started with a number of different hard baits and SP in deeper water in hopes of locating some that were not in the weeds, and returned to the deeper water several times during the afternoon.  No luck there except for one that hit a swim jig.  The others were caught in or on the edge of weed beds, and mostly on various SP.  The non-cull fish looked skinny but still put up a good fight.

The lake is full, the ranch looking good and always a pleasant place to get outside for a while.  Had some good companionship of a couple dozen cows & calves muching grass all around (and sometimes in) the lake.