Friends Fishing For Fun

Mar 16 2023

John Shepard

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 35501
Property Name : Post Oak Lake
Reservation Date : 03/15/2023 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 70 bass up to 20" with 31 harvested; 5 crappie
Lures Used : TX-rigged craw, light Carolina rig, lipless crank, squarebill, underspin

Fellow members Ron Dupree and Bob Scheidemann joined me yesterday for a day of comradery and fishing at Post Oak Lake. Ron is my primary fishing partner and I have known Bob for 42 years.  We all fished from the pontoon boat rather than from our individual Ultraskiffs to make conversation and trash talking easier.  The lake is almost full but not overflowing.  (For reference, none of the stumps along the old creek were visible above the water).  The stained water had almost 3 foot visibility and there wasn’t much vegetation except stringy grass near the bottom.  The morning started fairly slowly with not much of a topwater bite.  We caught fish throughout the day but slow periods became more frequent and longer in the afternoon.  We ended up catching 70 bass and harvesting 31 bass and 5 crappie.  Most of the returned bass were in the 15” range but 5 or 6 were 18-20”.  Most of the bass came from the stump area or from the NW shoreline which was seeing a lot of wave activity from the moderate to occasionally stiff breeze.  Many of the shoreline bass were right up against the bank.  TX-rigged craws and lightweight Carolina rigs caught the most bass with lipless crankbaits, squarebills, and underspins probably catching a half dozen each. Most of the crappie came from a small brushpile. We never caught fish in the deeper water despite trying a number of lure types.

It was a great day with friends that would have been appreciated even if we didn’t catch bass.  But, catching bass made it even better.