Mar 06 2023
Greg Zimmerman
Reservation Number : 35271
Property Name : Hat and Star Ranch
Reservation Date : 03/04/2023 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 45 +/-
Lures Used : Jerkbait, underspin, A-rig, tail spinner
I fished Hat & Star on March 4th, arriving at 8:30am and fished until about 4:30. I caught about 45 +/- LMB. Four LMB were over the cull limit and returned, while 40 +/- were culled, ranging in size from 6 inches – 15.5 inches. The four returned were 17 – 22 inches, with the big one at 6.04 lbs, perhaps slightly underweight for that length at this time of year. I tried the entire lake but 90% of the fish were caught while they were schooled up and busting shad near the entrance to the northern most creek arm, while the other 10% were caught near the club boat launch area. I primarily used a Jr. size jerkbait and a small tail spinner, both with very small treble hooks, and I probably could have pulled out another 20 culls if I had wanted to stay longer.
Mar 06 2023
Alex Elrod
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Ohhh Greg is that a Metanium DC on a Sierra Dobyn’s I see there? If so, I have the exact same set up and absolutely love it. Love Dobyn’s rods and it’s hard to go wrong with the Metanium – absolutely bullet proof.
It definitely seems the recent addition of all the shad over the last couple years has really brought the lake to life. It’s almost like the hard part is weeding through the culls to find the big beasts lurking around. But hey, if that’s all we have to complain about then we know we’re having a good day out on the water!