Jan 29 2023
Justin Jackson
Reservation Number : 34859
Property Name : Hidden Springs Ranch
Reservation Date : 01/29/2023 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 19 most between 2 & 3#
Lures Used : Shimmy shaker, tube, square bill crank bait.
We had a great time fishing in the rain. The old man smoked me, of the 19 fish we caught I only caught 3. I let him win! (My story, I will tell it how I want) we got to the lake around 730 with a steady rain. We started working the bank with little luck. John switched to a white shimmy shaker and hit pay dirt. I quickly followed his lead and caught two decent fish back to back. That was the only time all day I had the lead. She picked up a green pumpkin tube and promptly but a fish in boat.... then another, and another..... you see where this is going. He found a rhythm and never looked back. Most fish were caught on the shimmy shaker (chatter bait), followed by the tube and the square bill. We had a great time even though we did not catch a giant we caught several over 3# and that is a great day in my book!
Jan 31 2023
Scott Quigley
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That’s a solid day and a great pic (won’t be seeing anyone in short sleeves in DFW area for awhile probably ๐).