Few, but big

Jan 21 2023

Glen Armstrong

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 34845
Property Name : Tara Lake
Reservation Date : 01/20/2023 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 2/5.2 lbs
Lures Used : White pitching jig, swim bait, spinner, lipless crank

I fished Tara from noon to 4pm. There was about a foot of visibility and 52 degree water temp. I quickly caught two fish off of one of the brush piles with a white jig. I thought I had a pattern for the rest of the afternnon, but that was it. The 5+ pounder made the tip fun, however. I tried fishing offshore, but no success there either.

Jan 27 2023

John Freeman


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How was the lake level there 

Mar 19 2023

Glen Armstrong

Slot Fish

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Originaly Posted By John Freeman

How was the lake level there 

I'm sorry John I didn't respond to your question back in January. I just saw your post on PWF. I apparently missed the email.