Dec 18 2022
Mike Nicoloff
Slot Fish
Reservation Number : 34539
Property Name : Double A Lake
Reservation Date : 12/17/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 13
Lures Used : Bladed jig, swim jig, crank baits
Started early a.m. with air temps at 29 degrees and water at 52. There was a moderate wind of around 10mph that lasted all day and around 2ft of water visibility. I caught a total of 13 with the largest at 7.6 and the second biggest at 5.4.
The day was definitely a day of two tales as things started out slow in the first half but I had a Minnesota Viking like comeback in the second half. I had three fish boated by 10 a.m., one of which was 5.6 and another at 4.7 so I was feeling pretty good even after spilling my coffee and dropping a glove in the water. Things fizzled out and nothing else up through lunch. Had a nice chat with Joe at halftime and completely reassessed my gear and approach. After downsizing to a medium action with 10lb test I took more of a finesse approach picking apart any weeds along the edge. I landed 10 more, one of which was 7.6, and lost a couple that pulled drag but didn't have the backbone to horse them out of the weeds. Micro bladed jig and finesse jig worked well with most bites happening on the slow fall. With the light line it helped being in a kayak as I was able to peddle around and keep most of the fish within a safe range. (Back in Louisiana they called it a Cajun sleigh ride.) Ended up being a solid day! Thanks again to Joe for the access to such a great spot, lake and boat ramp maintenance as well as keeping the fish healthy and well fed.