Sometimes you just need to fish

Dec 03 2022

William Fetech


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Reservation Number : 34428
Property Name : Lago Escondido
Reservation Date : 12/01/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 15 2-3 1/2 pounds
Lures Used : Popper, jerk bait, crank.paddle tail

The bass app I use on my iPhone gave a rating of 1.4 l, Tough day, out of 9.9 for Thursday.  Sometimes it is good to just go fishing. Twenty four bass later (only 9 were under 16”) I guess I will take a “Tough day” like this anytime. 

I started fishing around 8 AM , took lunch around noon and fished until 2:30. 

When I started the air temp was 45 and probably 50 when I left. Water temperature was 54 with a steady 15 mph  until around 11. 

Even with the wind stirring up the surface, I opted for a hula popper which I popped hard and slow. I was rewarded with to nice bass almost immediately along the dam toward the boat pier. I lost one and then the top water bite ended. 

I switched to a weighted paddle tail and a medium diving jerk bait and caught total of nine before lunch. I continued using the paddle tail and jerk bait with some success, but decided to switch to a medium diving square bill in the area I usually have success.  I changed to a brighter color (red, black, and yellow). That was the best decision of the day as in 2 hours I caught another 15 bass. Many were caught in a large flat area where you wouldn’t think they would be. 

Bill Fetech