Jones Lake 11/2/22

Nov 03 2022

Joe V. Smith


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Reservation Number : 34260
Property Name : Jones Lake
Reservation Date : 11/02/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 76 up to 4 1/4 lbs
Lures Used : worms & wacky

Went with another member Wedensday. The rain that came through last Fri & Sat had a major impack from Van Alystne to Clarksville. Every tank we passed was full or almost full and many fields had standing water.

Jones Lake was full or close to it.The visibility was 3 ft and vegetation was well below the surface.We fished from 11am to 4pm . Caught 75 bass with 3 at 4 lbs and 3 more at 3 lbs. only 14 were under 14” and all were good healthy fish. I had fished Jones with another member two weeks ago and this was like a different lake. Last trip no fish over 2 ½ lbs and many were thin.

The fish were relating mostly to the brush/trees in the lake with fewer around the shore line. Wat/red wacky style was by far the most productive.