Nov 01 2022
Travis Franklin (Mansfield)
Reservation Number : 34253
Property Name : Angel Lake
Reservation Date : 10/31/2022 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 13 lmb
Lures Used : Watermelon plastic grub worm
Ok guys I have fished here 4 weeks in a row, surprised water was still very low after we received all that rain . Literally did not come up at all. With that being said, still did ok caught 13 ranging from dinks to largest 3.39lbs. The water was very clear and could see bass up near bank but couldn't get them to bite . I tried several different plastics but the watermelon grub like always does the best. Water is to low and the moss is still there so only thing that works well is plastics fishing them weedless. I still love this place !!!
Nov 01 2022
Steve Alexander
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The last two rains have really help saturate the ground so if we could get a 2-4” rain in the next week or two we would see some run off. The only lakes that have come up are those that had one of those red or purple storms sit on an area for an hour or two. But, these green and yellow storms are great for crops, but don’t help much with run off. Come on rain!!!