Nice Weather + Fish = Good Day at Post Oak

Oct 31 2022

John Shepard

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 34222
Property Name : Post Oak Lake
Reservation Date : 10/30/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 56 with 20 harvested; mostly 2# with 3.5# max
Lures Used : dropshot, wacky worm, underspin

What a difference a day without scorching temperatures, howling winds, or driving rain (Okay, we haven’t seen much of the rain part this year) makes to the fishing experience.  Ron Dupree and I experienced a welcome convergence of nice weather and willing bass at Post Oak Ranch.  The only things really missing were larger bass.  We arrived at dawn and launched our Ultraskiffs and headed in different directions to test what pattern(s) would dominate.  It wasn’t topwater (1 bass).  It wasn’t crankbaits (1 bass).  It wasn’t the stumps or the bridge (2 bass each). Ron caught most of his fish near the dam or the concrete ramp area using dropshot and wacky worms. I caught most of my fish using an underspin at the outer grass line of the west bank in 3 feet of water.  When we stopped at 3:15 we had landed 56 bass and harvested 20 bass.  We caught 4 bass in the 3# class and lots of 15” bass.  This mirrors my experience here over the last 3 years, mostly smaller bass with only an occasional 5-6 pounder. Seems to be a different size distribution than 3-5 years ago.

Lake conditions: still low but benefitted from Friday’s rain, clear water (4+ foot visibility), 62-65 degree water, thick submerged vegetation in the shallow end but most of the lake is easily fishable, shorter grass on the bottom in many areas.