Twin Lakes on a tough day

Oct 26 2022

David Felton

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 34147
Property Name : Twin Lakes
Reservation Date : 10/25/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 10 up to 4lbs 14oz
Lures Used : Chatterbait, Spinnerbait, Swimbait w/ Underspin, Swim Jig, Squarebill, Tx Rig, Weightless Stickbait

I fished Twin Lakes on Tuesday, the 25th from about 8:30am to 5pm.  I had plans to be there at least an hour earlier, but Google maps was determined to send me to the wrong place and did so twice before I finally figured out where I was going.  I had already made the disappointing decision that I wouldn’t be taking the boats out because I tweaked my lower back a few times recently, and I did not think I’d be able to move the boat or load/unload the gear by myself without making it worse.  That turned out to be for the best because the wind was howling 20mph with higher gusts from the NW and later the North from before dawn to about 4:15pm, so I was better off bank fishing anyway.

I started off on the East lake which was down 2-3 feet, and as others have mentioned has a bunch of black slime moss.  Water was stained with 12-18” visibility.  The fish didn’t mind the moss because I caught 6 good fish over the course of a couple of hours (2 over 4lbs, 2 over 3lbs).   These were caught on a white/chartreuse spinnerbait and a bluegill colored bladed jig.  I fished the North bank between the shallow cove to the left and the old dock on on the right.  After the bite died down I headed over to the West lake around 12:30pm.  Water was less stained and visibility was between 2-3 feet.  Lake was also down 2-3 feet.  I fished for a couple of hours without any bites and as I was about to head back over to the East lake, I finally caught a small bass on a 3.8 paddle tail swimbait on a Flashy Swimmer.  I moved back over to the East lake and fished along the dam with a couple of shallow crankbaits, nothing there.  I switched to the bladed jig and got a decent one on the line by the laydown, but it got hung up on the tree and in my efforts to unsnag it, it got deeper into the tree and I ended up having to break off the line.  I ended up catching one more on a different chatterbait, then made one last run over to the West lake (I had “misplaced” one of my combos) and finished off by catching a couple on a weightless stickbait.

All in all, I’m just glad to have caught several good ones and to have been able to fish at all considering how my back felt Friday and the weather conditions.  Lures that caught fish: Spinnerbait (River 2 Sea Bling), Bladed Jig (Picasso in bluegill and Z-man original in black/blue), Swimbait on Flashy Swimmer (Strike King in pro blue red pearl), Weightless Stickbait (green pumpkin purple flake).  Lures that did not work: Squarebill, SK Hybrid Hunter, Tx Rig swimming worm, Swim Jig (shad and bluegill colors).

One last note: for lakes that do not “appear” to have tons of snaggy cover, I sure did get hung up a bunch on what was there.  I lost 4 lures (the 2 chatterbaits, a swim jig, and a squarebill) which is the most I’ve ever lost in a day.

Oct 27 2022

Mark Daugherty


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Way to persevere David. That’s a pretty solid bag for the conditions and limited lake access.
