10-14-22 Great day casting for elusive fish

Oct 15 2022

Stephen Polley


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Oct 14 2022: Beautiful sunny day, 70-85 temp, wind 10-15mph. Water was 3’/?’ low, murky/muddy with 1” visibility. Fished 8am-5.15pm using on-site boat. (Took 30 minute lunch savoring a roasted chicken sandwich, Cheeto puffs and root beer.) For the day, no fish were seen, hooked or caught while deploying multiple colors/sizes of topwater, plastics, and crank baits. Around 4pm considered Cheeto puff lure but design infeasible. Really enjoyed abundance of wildlife-observed several raccoons paw fishing 🐾 🐾.  Despite the low fish yield, a wonderful day on the water perfecting casting scenarios. Many thanks to the Black Hat owners and PWF for a fine day on the water.