Oct 12 2022
Brian Dumont
Reservation Number : 34068
Property Name : Twin Oaks
Reservation Date : 10/12/2022 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 18 LMB, 3 culled
Lures Used : Choppo, Cthulhu buzzbait, Traps, and the mighty Gilly
Had the chance to take my old man out to Twin Oaks this morning. As usual we hammered those buckets pretty hard from sun up to 10:30. Never have any issues here, always a very good time. I'd say 89% of the time Twin oaks produces every time! The fish were in the usual location, shallow flats and up on the bank on the dam side. "Pops" had them fired up early on a 120 choppo beating the bank parallel. I did great on the buzzbait, and Gilly doing the same thing. The water level is still low.
Oct 12 2022
Steve Alexander
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I love that line. Almost as good as Million to 1 odds. “So you're tellin' me there's a chance!"