Hit a 1/2 hundred in 6 hours.

Sep 27 2022

Greg Wadley


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Reservation Number : 33868
Property Name : Malouf Lake
Reservation Date : 09/26/2022 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 50 up to 3.2
Lures Used : Wacky sinko, paddle tail swim bait, drop shot

Caught a few early on Houdini colored Reaction Innovation paddle tail, but they weren’t consistently chasig so moved to a watermellon red wacky Niko rigged Yum Dinger with a larger weight to get down in the grass. Probably got 30 of the 50 this way. Didn’t fish the damn, but caught all over the lake. Mostly outside grass lines in 8-10 fow but some shallow. Caught a few drop shotting a finess worm on the outside grass lines too just to break up the pattern. They don’t really relate to the wood in the lake because of the grass. Grass lines are much better than fishing the trees. Last hour in the day figured they might start chasing again and broke out the paddle tail. They weren’t hitting too much so I sprayed it with garlic and that turned them on. Caught another 10 the last hour and went home before dark. Nothing big in this lake. If you want size hit the lake straight across I45. But numbers there isn’t a better lake I’ve fished in the club. And I probably only fished ½ the lake. Next time I’ll bring a friend that has a yak and we’ll split up and see if we can get 100 between us. Only real issue is it’s not easy getting the boat back to where it belongs on this old man’s strength. You have to bring it up this pretty steep ridge. But the lake’s georgeous and super easy to fish. This was my 2nd time fishing it. Last time got 28 so almost doubled that. I didn’t take pics because I just don’t until they get to 5lbs as my camera is loaded already. 

Sep 28 2022

Scott Quigley


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Very productive outing Greg, that is a fun afternoon of catching!  Definitely a dependable lake for numbers and there are some big ones in there, just a lot of other aggressive smaller ones they have to contend with 😀.  Great tip on the weighted wacky rig, you really got dialed in with that; also, interesting the garlic made that much difference on your paddle tail…just never know what’s gonna make that difference from good to great numbers.