Sunday at the Bluffs

Sep 27 2022

Mike Nicoloff

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 33569
Property Name : The Bluffs of Sandy Shores
Reservation Date : 09/25/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 30
Lures Used : TRIG and other stuff

Took my dad to the Bluffs on Sunday and ended up catching 30ish, most of which were culled. We had a couple 2 pounders, and the largest went 4lbs8oz. I was going to copy and paste the recent report from Joshua M. and repurpose as my own because our day was close to a mirror image.  

Partly cloudy in the morning, slight wind, water temp was 81 and water clarity had a greenish hue. Grass line around the shore and scattered among the open body of water, some of which was dying off. We started at daylight and we're 0 for 5 on the first few bites right at the launch. We caught bass on spinner, bladed jig, lipless and most were on a TRIG.  We stuck to the grass line and timber and worked our way around the entire lake. Bass were sitting thick in a couple spots and we slow worked the area with a TRIG then moved on. Some bites were really subtle and we probably lost 10 due to poor hooks sets.   Pontoon was nice and a far roomier experience than my 12ft kayak. I pushed the pontoon with a 50lb thrust trolling motor and the 100ah LifePo4 battery lasted all day. I still brought a spare on board as it's a long paddle back to the dock. 

Sep 27 2022

Joshua Massoud


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Interested to see the reports in the next two weeks as the temperatures average 65-70 (combined day/night) and bring those water temps down.  

Sep 27 2022

Mike Nicoloff

Slot Fish

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Originaly Posted By Joshua Massoud

Interested to see the reports in the next two weeks as the temperatures average 65-70 (combined day/night) and bring those water temps down.  

Yep totally agree and want to see some big mommas pull out.