Sep 14 2022
Joe V. Smith
Reservation Number : 33807
Property Name : Cassidy Farms
Reservation Date : 09/13/2022 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 23 bass all over 14"
Lures Used : flukes,wacky, Tx rig & fly rod
Had done well the week before and felt that a follow trip was a good idea. The water level was maybe a little higher and clearer with cooler air temps. Caught 23 bass and four bream with the largest bass at 3 ½ lbs. All were over 14”with most around 2 ½ lbs. I seemed to have had a harded time fishing shallow even using a 1/64 oz wt.Again nothing in either end of the lake.Flukes shallow and wacky deeper worked best
I missed five early on a small bass popping bug that my have been large bream.
I have had a difficult time getting the lock to open on this property every time I have gone out. I attempted to unlock it twelve times before it released.
Sep 17 2022
Dale Pybus
Slot Fish
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was the otter still present?