Sep 09 2022
Tim Macmanus
Reservation Number : 33767
Property Name : Waterboo Lake: Bedrock Ranch
Reservation Date : 09/09/2022 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 10 LMB - 3 @ 2lbs and 7 below 14"
Lures Used : Wacky Senko, Whopper Plopper 75 in Bluegill.
I fished Waterboo for the first time this morning. What a fantastic place from a scenery perspective. The coolest thing about this lake is the hill on the east side lets you fish in the shade on the east side of the lake until about 10:30am. Made the day very comfortable. I started fishing when I put the boat in and caught 1 nice 2 pounder on a Whopper Plopper 75 in Bluegill on the 4th cast. Caught 4 fish total on that lure. Fished wacky senko in watermelon red, red and white and caught fish on all of those colors. The CrickHopper, a bluegill swim bait and a buzz bait were not successful this morning. The water clarity is exceptional. I would estimate 6-10 feet depending on where you are on the lake. Lots of vegetaion but it is well below the surface except very close to the bank and did not interfere siginificantly with the lures I used. I fished mostly the east shore as I was protected from the sun there. I caught fish on the dam on the east end as well as up and down the east bank in various places. I caught one in the center of the lake on the Whopper Plopper 75. This lake is very isolated and I had trouble finding it because I took a wrong turn in the dark once I was on the ranch. The foreman rounded me up and got me pointed in the correct direction. Also, this is the quietest lake I have fished so far with PWF. I have only fished 5 lakes now but this one is by far the most isolated and quietest. You hear a jet go overhead now and again but they are high. Also, there ia a car racing track a few miles away. They were running this morning and I could hear them but it was a far off sound. Also, the jon boat is very nice. I will be back.