Tara lake 9-4-2022

Sep 05 2022

Adrian Gonzales


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Reservation Number : 33689
Property Name : Tara lake
Reservation Date : 09/04/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 14 total 4-4lb+ 5-2/3l 5-1lb
Lures Used : Wacky worm/ chatter bait/ t rig worm

Mike and I started off around 7am throwing wacky worms, top water poppers and frogs. First fish caught was around 9 am when mike hooked up on 4.7lber on a top water frog which was the biggest fish of the day. I hooked up on a 4.5lber on a chatter bait on the east side of the lake between the brush pile and the bank. Along the dam mike caught 2 more 4lbers on t rig and wacky rigged worms. Started off slow but eventually picked up untill the storm rolled in around 1230. After 2 hours of waiting out the storm we hit the water just to catch 4 fish. All of the fish caught on the east side of the lake and along the dam. T rig worms, wacky rigged worms and chatter bait seemed to work the best. Over all good trip and I will definitely be back! 

Sep 06 2022

Steve Alexander


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I wish you had been rewarded for waiting out the storm. I can’t tell you how many times, I sat in the truck and waited out a storm, usually just 30 minutes or so. I was generally rewarded to great fishing.