Sep 04 2022
Robert Alschbach
Reservation Number : 33698
Property Name : JerMar Lake
Reservation Date : 09/03/2022 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 25 bass: 5 at 3lbs 8at 2lbs and the rest 1lb or less
Lures Used : 6 inch glide bait / TX rig swim bait / crankbait
Fished the afternoon at Jermar and the fishing was fast. The water was very clear. Caught several off the dock before putting in the boat. We caught fish all over the pond but the brush piles were the hot spots. Crankbait, glide bait and TX rig all worked well. Largest fish were caught on the glide bait all about 3lbs. Spotted lots of small tilapia around the pond that have been recently added to fatten up the bass. Another great Day at Jermar.
Sep 06 2022
Steve Alexander
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yes. the owner recently drained a brood pond that he was growing tilapia. Glad you noticed. Very perceptive.