Mean fish!

Aug 20 2022

Samuel Mitchell


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Reservation Number : 33157
Property Name : Double A Lake
Reservation Date : 08/19/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 25 between 2-8.6
Lures Used : Pop R and Zoom Salamander TX rig

We fished from sun up to sun down with good success not great.  It was hot but that was not a surprise.  What was a surprise was the cloud cover vs when the sun came out strong.  We started with top water and frogs and the first catch was a very angry 4.11 on the hollow body frog.  We kept forcing the top water because we had cloud cover...with little success.  Then the sun came out and everything slowed down but I picked a Pop R...and the loved it.  They must have loved the slow less noisy presentation vs all the other top water we tried.  We caught a few on a chatterbait, but the Pop R and the TX rig Salamander were the most consistent producers.  No matter what the fish were very mean and fought way bigger than their size.  In fact one we hooked on the Salamander swam straight up and instead of swimming down and I could not feel fast enough...that fish came up out of the water so high I had to give some credit as the hook came flying out of its mouth.  We had lots of 2-4# class.  Then I used the satellite view given by PWF and I positioned the boat along the hump on the far side of the lake.  Dragged that Salamander over the hump and THUMP!  My rod loaded up and it was not moving.  The fight was epic as the fish darted and jumped and kept fighting till we got it in the boat.  Heart pumping and fingers shaking we weighed it on our MLF digital scale it said 8.6!!!  What a day and I can't wait to go back.  

Aug 21 2022

John Freeman


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Those are strong angry fish that don't like getting stuck in the face. They fight hard. Big ones lots of fun. Looks like a great day  Double AA is one of my favorite lakes in PWF. 

Aug 21 2022

Mark Daugherty


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Congrats Samuel on a great day. Thanks for sharing the pic of that beautiful bass – sounds like she put up quite a fight!
