Aug 14 2022
Greg Zimmerman
Reservation Number : 33443
Property Name : Lake Side
Reservation Date : 08/13/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 38 LMB; 14 culls
Lures Used : Chatterbait; senko
I fished Lake Side, Martins Mill, on August 13, 2022, from 6:30am to 3:30pm, with an hour break for lunch. Lake Side is fishing well. Water looks fertile with clarity at about 18 inches. I caught 38 LMB with 14 culls and 24 returned. The top five fish were 31.74 lbs, with the other 19 a healthy mix between 15 inches – 20 inches. The top two fish had a relative weight of about 110%. The top five:
1. 7.92 lbs, 23 ½ “, seven-inch senko, under the dock, at 9:13am.
2. 7.52 lbs, 22 ½ “, chatterbait, first marked brush pile S of dock, at 11:10am.
3. 6.2 lbs, chatterbait, first marked brush pile S of dock, at 1:00pm.
4. 5.4 lbs, chatterbait, first marked brush pile S of dock, at 1:05pm.
5. 4.7 lbs, chatterbait, between the two marked brush piles in SW arm, at 7:07am.
I also caught, but did not land, the 7.92 at 8:50am. I made a good skip of a seven-inch senko under the dock and it came down right next to the middle dock piling. The big fish grabbed it and I was able to get her out from under the dock. She jumped once and looked massive, made a nice run to the deeper water, I got her to the boat, I had the net in the water, but she surprised me with another jump at the boat and threw the hook with that heavy seven-inch senko. The fish slowly swam off back towards the dock. Naturally, I was devastated at losing the fish and, like a typical weekend angler, I convinced myself that it was the biggest fish that I had ever seen and that it was a 12lber. I waited about 20 minutes, then made another skip cast under the dock and a fish grabbed it immediately. I did a power set of the hook but the fish immediately shook free. The hook came back with a piece of fish mouth on it. Third cast was another nice skip to the middle dock piling. The strike was hard, hook set was good and I got her out of the dock. She jumped once and I recognized her as the same fish that I previously lost, but this time the fish was a little tired, I didn’t mess around and she was quickly in the net. First, how rare and unusual is it to get three chances to catch a big fish like that? Second, the ones that get away are never as big as I think.
Aug 14 2022
Joshua Massoud
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Helluva a bag, and great perseverance! Nice work!