Aug 06 2022
Bryan Buchan
Reservation Number : 33397
Property Name : Twin Oaks
Reservation Date : 08/05/2022 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 16; 6 culls, 10 @ 2-3 lbs
Lures Used : Topwater, wacky worm
All the conditions were right for a summer morning fishing trip on Aug. 5. Overcast skies, light breeze, and oh, my wife was gone to visit her mom in Oklahoma. Perfect! Got to Twin Oaks at sunrise and tried the usual topwater lures to see if there was any action, but no takers, not even a strike. So I switched to wacky worms and caught two nice fish on my next two casts! Needless to say, I stuck with wacky worms until I stopped fishing at about 10:00am. For the extremely small size of this pond, and no real cover, it really produces a good amount of healthy fish up to 3 lbs. In the 3 hours of fishing, I caught 6 culls, including one dink, and the rest were all in the 2-3 lb range. The largest bass, at 18”, had a sunken belly, and the dink looked like it’s belly was about to explode. All the rest of the fish were healthy. I don’t know for sure, but I guess that’s evidence that culling at this lake is a good thing. All in all, It was an enjoyable trip, and this property is a great addition for us club members in Austin. Thanks again to the landowner and PWF!
BTW, I bass fish from a fishing tube year round. In the winter I use waders and in the summer I just use a swim suit. It’s an extremely enjoyable way for me to keep cool in the summer, with my legs in the water, and get a lot of good exercise at the same time. The PWF properties are perfect for tubing. There’s no place you can’t launch or go in a tube in PWF properties. If anybody would like tips and information on tube fishing for bass on PWF properties, let me know. I’ve been tube fishing for 30+ years now, so I’ve learned a thing or two.
Aug 06 2022
Alex Elrod
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I’ve been curious about tube fishing for a while now but never met anyone that actually does it! How do you get enough leverage to keep the bass pinned if you can’t anchor yourself?
Also, with that much tube fishing experience – have you ever been hit by an unexpected critter below?? The outdoors don’t scare me but never knowing what’s below and getting bumped into sounds a bit unnerving haha