Solid outing at Blue Rock

Jul 31 2022

Mike Nicoloff

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 33323
Property Name : Blue Rock Lake
Reservation Date : 07/30/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 25 to 30
Lures Used : TRIG, drop shot, spinner, lipless

Made another trip to Blue Rock and one of my favorite lakes. A lot of forage, good depth range, weeds, and structure. Fished from 2 to 7 on Saturday from my kayak and caught 25 to 30 with most in the 2 to 3lbs range and a couple 4 pounders.
Most were caught on TRIG, however, I also caught some on senko, drop shot, spinner bait, chatterbait and lipless. Like most lakes right now the water level is down a couple feet but the max depth I found was 33 feet so still a sound and sustainable fishery.  

Below are a couple blurry images from my sonar and you can see the sharp drop off from 6 to 19ft and this is where I caught most of the bass. I would fish from the edge of the weedline to the drop off and the 10 – 13ft range was usually the ticket. The other image is of a shad school with some hawgs hanging around.  Once finding the shad I would set up camp and catch a bunch of bass. You have to fight your way through some 6” pecking your bait but the big ones aren't far behind.  Given the age of the lake there has to be some 7-9 pounders in there. They eluded me this time but the hunt will continue. 

Aug 01 2022

Joshua Massoud


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Those bass are at a really nice relative weight for this time of year – fat and happy.  Nice work!