Great day at the Culpepper farm, as usual!

Jul 03 2022

John Freeman


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Reservation Number : 33103
Property Name : Culpepper Farms
Reservation Date : 07/02/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 4 Culls/5 16" n over, several in between, 1 crappie, 1 hand sized angry perch
Lures Used : Plastics, Crank

Good day on Culpepper Farms. There sunup to almost sundown. Fish caught in all areas of lake mainly boat ramp to dam. Several caught around the spillway (drain). Water temp 88 start 92 finish. Water clarity 12”. Lake may be down a couple feet.  Pics are the 5 fish over 16”. Largest 3lb 10oz (19”).

Had a fish pull that I beleived would have been a large one. When I felt that pull I knew it was most likely a good one (caught a 7lb in April there). Set hook and no go, only got hook back, never saw the worm float afterward.

Caught many fish on a Carolina crawdad.

The crappie and perch came on a pumpkinseed crank. Perch don’t realize no matter how big they get they still have tiny mouths, must have hit in anger or something.

All in all good hot day in the neighborhood. Fish in this lake very healthy and pull when you stick a hook in their face. Smaller ones were very acrobatic flying out of the water (saw several small ones flying out of the water against shore all morning chasing fry).

Noticed 2 things

Geese were hanging up by the dam most of day. They usually hang at one of the houses on property. They paddled mostly from boat ramp up to dam. Never really stayed by the islands.

Morning- I noticed something large in front of the gazebo dock feeding, otter(?). Not really sure. As I got closer it disappeared.

Afternoon- I was fishing N end of back island, as I came around point I guess I scared a very large something sunning itself on the dry creek mud as it was in the middle of said creek (not the little creek with walk bridge). It hit the water lightning fast and disappeared. A large Golden Lab lives at the house by the boat ramp and the “something” was at least that big, did I say it was big. It may have been a large softshell turtle never seen a turtle on land move that fast) which I seen smaller ones there (4th time to fish lake). Not sure.