Respectable day on Double-A

Jul 03 2022

Tim Morgan


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Reservation Number : 33168
Property Name : Double A Lake
Reservation Date : 07/02/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 16 up to 3 pounds
Lures Used : We fished frogs, spinner bait, chatter bait and rat-l traps with no success. We caught all fish on green and red lizards and black and blue 12" worms.

We started around 7:30 and fished until 3:30.  We only caught 16 – mostly in the 2-3 pound range – scattered throughout the day – mostly on the south, west and north sides just off the grass lines where the bottom dropped sharply.  We saw periodic feeding frenzies in the middle of the lake, but could not get there in time to take advantage of them.  There was no topwater bite, so we started fishing lizards and long worms. For the fish we caught – the fish were real fighters and we missed 3-4 really nice fish. It was a hot day – probably 98 degrees with a light breeze that seemed to come from every direction at different times of the day.  The property owner (Joe) came by and we had a nice conversation – he was very welcoming.  It was a bit of a slow day, but we felt our numbers were respectable and enjoyed the time on the water..