Jun 30 2022
Bryan Buchan
Reservation Number : 33098
Property Name : Fox Lake
Reservation Date : 06/29/2022 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 5 - 1 dink, 2 @ 12", 2 @ 16"
Lures Used : Several
Fished Fox Lake from 6:30 to 10:30am Wednesday morning. The lake is down about 4’ from full level. Visibility about 3”. Clear skies, light breeze. The lake has heavy vegetation around the perimeter, and it goes pretty far out on the launch side (east side) of the lake and up the shallow end. But there is plenty of fishable water. I tried several lures but only caught fish on wacky worms of differing colors: 1 dink, 2 @ 12”, and 2 @ 16”.