Jun 29 2022
John Hufstedler
Reservation Number : 33057
Property Name : Double A Lake
Reservation Date : 06/28/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 8 to 7.5 lbs
Lures Used : Crank baits, senko type worm, zoom lizard, white swim bait
Fished AA yesterday morning. Weather was great! Cool temps and light wind.
Started fishing around the grass line to the right of the ramp. Tried a hollow body frog with not even a look from a fish. Went to a Whopper Plopper at the edge of the grass and got a couple of good blow-ups. Missed them both. I switched to the senko with no luck. The watermelon, red fleck Zoom 6” lizard did the trick. At the second brush pile the 7.5 pounder inhaled the lizard and the fight was on. I thought for sure I would lose it, but after she towed me around the lake she tired out and I got her in the kayak.
That was the highlight of the morning. The rest of the fish were all in the 2-3.5 lb range and like all AA fish put up great fights. They were caught around the lake along the grass line.
Visited with Joe for a few minutes and he mentioned that he didn't see as much of that slimy stuff around the lake and he is correct. There is grass, but you can fish it better without the slime.