Nice Morning at BlackJack

Jun 05 2022

John Shepard

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 32856
Property Name : BlackJack Ranch
Reservation Date : 06/04/2022 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 36 total / mostly 2-2.5# / 1 @ 5#
Lures Used : Pop-R, wacky stick worm, chatterbait

The morning started with about 90 minutes of fun topwater action from the western bank with flat calm water despite the rumble of approaching thunderstorms. The bass much prefered a slow sterady retrieve and a dark lure and a number launched into wild acrobatics when they realized they were hooked.  There were few bass close to the bank.  Most of the bass were caught over 40 feet from the bank. I had 10-12 when the bite stopped.  I moved to the east bank as the rain started.  Good news was that the thunderstorms fell apart and it was just light to moderate rain for the next 80-90 minutes.  Fishing was slow though and I moved back to the western bank when the rain changed to slow drizzle.  The bass were still there, sitting 40-60 feet from shore and hitting wacky stick worms (any green color as long as it had glitter).  Most of the bites were subtle with the bass picking up the worm and moving away.  As with the topwater bite, most of the bass were in the 2 pound class.  I did catch one five pounder who first buried herself in the weeds so deeply that I had to give slack to see if she would move.  She then exploded into the air for a couple of jumps before I finally regained control. When the rain quit a moderate south breeze started and again the bite ended.  Around 11AM, the breeze moderated and the dragonflies came out and the bite turned back on (worms and chatterbait).  I ended up with 36 bass of which 8-10 were harvest-sized (but 2022 harvesting has ended at this lake).

The lake level has dropped some in the last month but the shallow northern end is still very fishable.  The submerged vegetation is still clumpy rather than thick and matted so treble-hook moving baits can still be used over most of the lake. I only saw one nutria and wonder if someone removed some of them.

It was another fun and productive outing at a beautifull property.