First timers at Triple J

Jun 05 2022

Mike Nicoloff

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 32846
Property Name : Triple J Ranch
Reservation Date : 06/04/2022 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 40 LMB, 10 crappie
Lures Used : Top water, plastics and lipless

Fished Triple J for the first time with fellow member Charles McCallum and had a great first outing. Started at 6am with no wind and able to catch a few from the bank on top water.   Grass carp are doing there job as the bank was pretty much void of any weed line. Worked our way to the dam and was soon chased away by massive swarms of gnats so we decided to hop in the boat.  I really like the size of the V-bottom boat but it leaks bad and be prepared to bail often or wade in ankle deep water. 

Generally an overcast day and the water had a greenish tint with maybe 12” of visibility.  We caught bass all around the lake on a variety of soft plastics and lipless cranks. Ended up with 40 bass in total, 20 of which were culls, and 10 good size crappie.  Crappie were aggressive and usually picked-up a couple at a time. Below is a picture of a crappie that totally T-boned a lipless.  I like the location of Triple J, decent size fish and a lake I will add to my rotation. 

Jun 05 2022

Joshua Massoud


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Nice work gents!