Jun 04 2022
Greg Wadley
Reservation Number : 32843
Property Name : Twin Lakes
Reservation Date : 06/03/2022 PM - 06/03/2022 PM
Total Fish/Sizes : 38, largest 6.2. 4 5's, several 4's. Overall good quality
Lures Used : paddle tail swim bait, t-rig, square bill, 6.2 on a whopper plopper
Fished the larger lake the whole time. Caught 4 solid fish up to 5lbs in first 45 minutes at far side of damn on t-rig and swim baits. I caught most of mine (21) on 5” paddle tails. After that is slowed some and the fish were out more in the middle and I’d just randomly cath one here and there on swim baits. I threw wacky quite a bit but didn’t get hit which was a surprise. Lots of black moss crap on the bottom made t-rig a bit diffiult. I fished weightless sinkos and caught a few that way. But bulk of mine came on paddle tails. Highlight was around 7:00 I found a honey hold on the right side down past the first cove. Caught 4 all about 4lbs on 5 casts. Then threw a whopper plopper and got a huge blowup 6.2lbs. Partner caught a few there too. Last hour kind of slow, but. my best 5 went 25 lbs. Not sure on my partners, but I think his would have been around 18 lbs. My partner was fishing from a kayak so it just wasn’t worth it to load all his crap to move to the other lake. Next time I’ll do both. Oh, and the jon boat had zero leaks and has 3 benches so would be quite comfortable for 2 people to fish out of. I didn’t get a pic of the biggest fish as my phone had died.