Cool Day at Hickory Creek

May 24 2022

Wendell Vines


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Reservation Number : 32720
Property Name : Hickory Creek Ranch Lakes
Reservation Date : 05/23/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : A bunch / up to 21+"
Lures Used : SP

Took advantage of Monday’s cool front to book a day at Hickory Creek, and was rewarded with lots of action with good-sized bass.  Most were 16-18”, with 8 over 4 lbs and few culls. The morning was covercast with a light breeze.  Water visibility was a foot to 18 inches.  Enjoyed many aggressive hits on frogs until skies stated clearing after noon.  Had a few go after flashy creature baits as well.  Afternoon was sunny & much slower (especially during a long break!) until a late flurry around the edges.  No takers on any hard baits except for a lone crappie and just a couple of small bass in deep water during slower times.   

The place is beautiful and superbly maintained as always – a great way to get outside and escape the heat.