Bluffs of Sandy Shores 5/18

May 23 2022

Chris Casner

Slot Fish

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I think everyone starts their report off for the Bluffs with – WOW. The lake is stunning, and it’s a target rich environment. Fellow member Randy Groves and I were on the water at first light in separate boats. Water temp was 81 and we had overcast skies and pleasant temperatures for most of the morning, and the ever-present wind (is it ever going to die down?).  Had a few top water hits but none brought to the boat. I switched to a spinnerbait and caught a few then we both switched to soft plastics, wacky worm for Randy and stickworm (Tx rigged and weightless, regular size and big) for me. We caught around 40, two over 5, three over four and three over three with 7 culls. Randy caught the two fives by the ramp (they might have recently feed them and were still hanging around the ramp).  They all fight hard, but I remember one two pounder that when he got near the boat bent my rod under the boat. We departed at 3:00 tired of fighting the wind. We’ll be back that’s for sure.