First return since the collapse

May 22 2022

Robert Lundin


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Reservation Number : 32664
Property Name : Deer Trail Ranch
Reservation Date : 05/21/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 35+
Lures Used : Frogs, tubes and speed worms

I still have dreams and night mares about the collapse. I'm not sure we were the last ones to fish it before it gave way. My dream have us in the Jon boat floating down past Timber site and then into the Sulphur river.  Anyways back to fishing. We started around 9 am throwing frogs in the south end of the lake.  Did that until 11:30 am.  We  boated 10, missed maybe 10 blowups and lost a dozen buried in the weeds. Even with 30 lb. Braid it was a chore to keep them on top. Finally bringing the salad bowl to the surface it was like Christmas to see if a bass was hidden in the mess.  Very strong top water bite in the morning. The balance of the day we spent working the weed line on the east side. The wind cooperated and slowly drifted us south to the north (Dam).  Very few dinks as most fish were 2 to 3 lbs  and fat bellies.  Did get a couple of 4 lbs.  we kept waiting for the front to blew through. Finally around 5:30 to 6 pm it arrived. No rain, no hail, just a fierce northwest wind which made it impossible to drift the weed lines . We called it a day.   Slept great last night and no dreams about floating down the sulphur river.