Slow, but memorable

May 19 2022

Glen Armstrong

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 32631
Property Name : Black Hat
Reservation Date : 05/18/2022 AM - 05/18/2022 AM
Total Fish/Sizes : 3/2.5lbs
Lures Used : Rage Tail worm

I fished in the morning 6-12. The fishing was slow and I tried lots of baits. All the fish I caught were associated with the grass on the perimeter of the lake. I tried punching some. I probably should have spent more time with that technique. The wind was blowing hard and created some problems especially as I was trying to leave. As I was approaching the take out spot the wind blew so hard I couldn’t keep my Hobie online. I had to go around and had trouble turning the kayak in the wind. I approached again and the snme thing happened. I couldn’t get the kayak to turn in the direction I wanted. I thought I was dragging on something. I checked to be sure my anchor was in the boat, the rudder was up so it wouldn’t catch in the grass , my fins were pulled and the power pole was up. I was stuck in the grass and couldn’t hardly move. I finally turned around and saw my power pole was all the way down. I had been pushing the button to raise it, but apparently the battery had died. I tried to pull the release cord and it came untied. I tried to use the paddle to release it, but that didn’t work I tried to hook the lever with my punching rig, but the line broke. All I could think of now was to crawl to the back of my kayak to release the pole. I moved all of the fishing rods to the front of the boat and carefully crawled to the back and got the thing released and pulled the pole up. I was then able to easily paddle the kayak to the take out. I was unloading everything when I realized a rod was missing. I must have kicked it into the water while I was stretched  out trying to crawl on my kayak. I was almost done unloading the kayak when I looked where it had been stuck. I saw what I first thought was  a branch about 2” out of the water. But, it might be my rod. So, I got back in  and paddle to that area. IT WAS MY ROD ! How lucky can you be ? At least the trip created a memory.

May 19 2022

Steve Alexander


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I to could right a book on all the crazy things that have happened on a fishing trip. Sometimes, its more about the trip than the fishing.