Brushy Creek - Late April and Early May (mixed results)

May 18 2022

Matthew Peterson


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New to PWF and my first report here, happy to be part of the club!

Sorry to be combining a couple of different outings into one report but hopefully it’ll still produce some good info for someone.


I am about a year into trying to really get into bass fishing and this was the best outing I have had so far!  Of course, my scale had run out of batteries; but I think the pics will support the weight estimations below.

Caught ~20.  Most were in the 2-3 lb range, 2 were 4-5 lb, 1 ~7 lbish  (my PB)

Weightless senkos, chatterbait and glide/swim baits (no luck on crankbaits or dropshot)

Weather was windy and overcast in the 70s. 

Larger fish were all caught as the creek opens up into the main lake between the boat ramp and first fence posts as you enter the main lake.  Best results were in 3-5 feet of water, about 20-30 feet from shore and fishing slow on the bottom with chatterbait and very little action on weightless plastics.  

Lots of good healthly fish in the main part of the lake, towards the south in 3-4 feet of water – weightless and swim baits were best here


The action slowed down quite a bit from the trip in April

Caught ~10, most fish were 1-2 lbs, 2 went for ~3 lbs (did lose one large fish at the boat)

Full sun, moderate wind and mid-90s / water had warmed up a lot

Threw a lot of different presentations – plastics in all different rigs and retrieves, swim baits, topwater, small spinners, jerk baits, crankbaits/rattle trap, etc… only things that got a bite were senko weightless and dropshot with little to no action

Most fish were caught in 2-3 feet of water close to the bank (maybe guarding the hatch?) and were less committed

Seems like post-spawn and hot weather has changed things up quite a bit already… if anyone has any sugguestions for a newer fisherman please let me know!

May 18 2022

John Freeman


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You did what any bassin’ vet would have done. Keep it up. You got in on post spawn when the males are gaurding nests and the girls are resting. Remember they have to eat at some point.

May 18 2022

Matthew Peterson


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Originaly Posted By John Freeman

You did what any bassin’ vet would have done. Keep it up. You got in on post spawn when the males are gaurding nests and the girls are resting. Remember they have to eat at some point.

Thank you for the feedback and morale booster, John – i’ll stick with it and hope to share some good updates soon.  Take care out there!

May 18 2022

John Freeman


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Originaly Posted By Matthew Peterson

Thank you for the feedback and morale booster, John – i’ll stick with it and hope to share some good updates soon.  Take care out there!

Patience is the best tool in your tackle box. Me and another member had a fantastic spring. Hell of a day on AA with at least a dozen over 5lb with a 8.82lb as the 2nd fish of the day. Fished a few other of the lakes april to early May. Last weekend we both tanked with 3-4 bass each biggest 2lbs each. REALITY CHECK,lol. Expect nothing each trip and you will always come home happy. Just being at some of the scenery these lakes have is an honor.

May 19 2022

Matthew Peterson


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Originaly Posted By John Freeman

Patience is the best tool in your tackle box. Me and another member had a fantastic spring. Hell of a day on AA with at least a dozen over 5lb with a 8.82lb as the 2nd fish of the day. Fished a few other of the lakes april to early May. Last weekend we both tanked with 3-4 bass each biggest 2lbs each. REALITY CHECK,lol. Expect nothing each trip and you will always come home happy. Just being at some of the scenery these lakes have is an honor.

Well said and great to have that perspective, thanks John!