Trinity Covington, good numbers

May 12 2022

Dale Pybus

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 32599
Property Name : Trinity Lakes
Reservation Date : 05/11/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 37? - 10" to 3 lbs.
Lures Used : lipless crankbait, G-tail worm, weightless Stik O

Lake is 2 to 2.5 ft. low. Water is fairly clear. I did not notice the temp. Started at 1:30 and finished at 4 pm.

Arrowhead Lake only. I didn’t count overs but it was at least 30. Culled 7 unders. Lots of fish here. 

Chartreuse/ black silent lipless, 7” worms in black and june bug and Stik Os in several colors. 

Beautiful property.