Great numbers

May 02 2022

brian martin


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We got started at daylight I was able to launch my 21 ft skeeter no problem and started catching fish. we caught about 12 by lunch time , 2- 4lbs and the others around 2 ½ , then we moved to the 3rd pond just to try it out and if you have not been just keep driving on the path til it stops then drive some more and you will find it .For real every cast , i mean every cast you caught a fish . I caught 48 fish in 1 hour all about 1 to 1 ½ lbs . So we went back to the 1st pond and caught a few more and called it a day around 1 . we ended up with 76 fish for the day between me and my wife . we used mostly black and blue flute and senko, wacky style. It was a great day of fishing .

May 02 2022

Merlin Talley


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Holy wow! 76 fish?!? Sounds like the third lake was the ticket for numbers. Putting this lake on my list for a trip with my 7 year old. Apprecaite the report, Brian. 

May 03 2022

Joe V. Smith


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What baot did you use in the 3rd pond ?