Solid day in Pattonville

Apr 18 2022

Stephen Ford


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Reservation Number : 32148
Property Name : Shady Grove
Reservation Date : 04/16/2022 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 23/up to 3lb 14oz
Lures Used : Swimbait with paddle tail trailer

I arrived around 12:00 and caught fish immediately. I caught 11 within the first 90 minutes, then they shut down for a while. Wind direction and cloud coverage were constantly changing the entire afternoon.

I went a couple hours without another until the sun made a slight appearance. All of the sudden they turned back on, allowing me to get 12 over the next hour. Winds shifted into opposite directions, and the bite disappeared once again.

This was my third time at this unique property. I enjoy the challenges that the ponds create. The first fish was on a frog, but that would be all for that lure. I did throw it periodically with some occasional swipes at it. They just did not commit.  All other fish came by throwing a swim jig into the thick of the vegetation. On pond 1, it is mostly dead stickups right now. A few lily pads are beginning to appear. It will not be long before they cover everything. It looks like an algae bloom beginning on pond 2.

Compared to my previous trips here, the average size seemed to be down. I did land two that weighed in at over 3.5 lbs. That was average size on a previous trip. All of the bass were strong. Of course everything feels strong when it is being brought through heavy cover. I did lose a few that wrapped around the stickups before getting off. I like this aspect of the property. It feels more satisfying when you actually get your hands on one. Most of my bites came far out on long casts, so the fights were never easy, regardless of fish size.

This type of fishing is not for everyone, but I suggest you give it a try. Take your braided line and rubber boots, and this property can be one of the best experiences in the club.