Apr 16 2022
Dave Ebner
Reservation Number : 32102
Property Name : Triple J Ranch
Reservation Date : 04/16/2022 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 12 bass dinks to 4 lbs, 11 crappies to 1 3/4 lb
Lures Used : Berkley balsa
Couldn’t get the slab size crappie to leave my Berkley balsa alone. In over 20 yrs. of fishing JJJ I ‘ve never caught a crapie here much less the 11 that hit today. Picked up a dozen bass to 4 lbs. by cranking the balsa lure down a few feet then a slow jerk/twich in. Water was no longer muddy as previously reported but a little murky with visability a ft or 2. Actually the water was typical spring JJJ, since the coontail and duck weed have gone and a weightless zoom trick worm or Fat Albert worked better. A little scum and slime around the bank but nothing significant. Pond is down 2-3 feet.