How can the wind blow all the time from multiple directions??

Apr 13 2022

Shane A. Beck


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Ive made several trips here and Id like to add comment to the previous post about the route markers. All the markers are still up, green fence posts with red reflectors. Its really easy to miss them but they are still there. 

The wind blew from multiple directions almost all day. The lake is down another 3-4 feet from my last trip there and probably 10 feet total. The morning bite was tough and we were able to find small groups of fish clustered on rocks and grass in 8-10 feet of water in the afternoon. With the shoreline brush being out of water and the stained water conditions it was a tough day. 

20 fish for the day, from 2-4#. 

The launch was recently mowed and was in nice shape. The drive in is harrowing in places but slow and steady and a bit of nerve gets you there!

We need rain!

Apr 19 2022

Stephen Hardison


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20 is a great day at this place. Fish are healthy, you just dont catch as many. Great job