Windy Day

Apr 11 2022

Mart Martindale


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Reservation Number : 32076
Property Name : The Jordan
Reservation Date : 04/09/2022 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 12/1.5-2.5 lbs
Lures Used : Strike King Thunder Cricket / SK Bitsy Pond Crank Bait

Fished just under 2 hours iwth my son. High winds so we stayed on the bank and just fished around the northeast cove a couple of times. Caught 12 bass all over 1.5 pounds up to 2.5 pounds and 1 crappie. Caught 2 on a bitsy pond square bill crankbait (including the crappie), and 11 on a Strike King Thunder Cricket. Looking forward to coming back when it’s not so windy and using the boat.