Apr 05 2022
Sean Polk
Greetings everyone!
I’m Sean Polk, a local fly fishing guide with Tailwaters Fly Fishing in Dallas. This year I’m guiding on PWF properties and this is the spot you can find my reports and other info on fly fishing for bass.I have 20+ years of fly fishing experience with most of that spent chasing bass and other warm water species in north Texas.
If you have in questions on flies, techniques, casting, or anything else fly fishing related, please feel free to post them on this thread or shoot me a DM.
If your looking to try fly fishing or need a casting lesson, I offer a specail rate for PWF members.
Apr 05 2022
Sean Polk
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Trinity Lakes – Covington April 2
Today was a father and son intro trip. David and Anson are beginners and this was their first shot at fish on the fly. We arrived in the morning to blues skies, lite winds and water temps around 62*. We started at Comanche and fished the shore for 30 mins with hopes of fiding some shallow bass. We didn’t have any luck on the shore, so we drifted the timber in the middle channel and immediately hooked up with a few cull bass in the 12 inch range. The fish took charteuse/white clousers fished deep. After 1.5 hours, we picked up and moved to Goose Lake (the guys caught a few more on the shallow flat near the pier while I loaded the boat) The winds started to increase, so we ended up drifting the middle of the lake and picked up two more bass. Both fish were overs in the 2 lbs range and released to be caught again. We then moved to Arrowhead to try fishing the timber. This proved to be the best lake of the day with several fish in the 2-4 lbs range caught in the trees. We switched to a heavy Meat Whistle fly in olive. The best techniques was to cast past a tree, let the fly sink, and then strip it back to the boat.
Over all we had 8 culls and 6 overs with the biggest right at 4.