Huff and puff

Apr 04 2022

Glen Armstrong

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 31947
Property Name : JerMar Lake
Reservation Date : 04/03/2022 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 7/3.5 lbs
Lures Used : Crank, swim Senko, rage craw, swim bait, square bill

The water temperature was 68 degrees and the visibilty was 1.5-2 feet. The fish still seemed very scattered. I caught fish off brush piles, tree stumps, isolated grass patches and the shore line.The fishing was difficult because the wind was blowing so hard. To make things more complicated, my power power on my kayak quit working. It was stuck in he down position with me in the middle of the lake. It took about half an hoiur for me to figure out to get it unstuck so I coiuld move the kayak. Still, I caught nice fish that fought hard.