Apr 04 2022
Bruce Bernard
Slot Fish
Reservation Number : 31610
Property Name : Hidden Springs Ranch
Reservation Date : 04/02/2022 All Day - 04/02/2022 All Day
Total Fish/Sizes : Decent Numbers
Lures Used : Soft Plastics Slow
I fished with member Michael Smith at Hiddens Springs ranch on Staurday 4/2. The wind was calm and the temperature pleasant as we fished. The water clarity was about a foot and it was a brown color. We caught good average size with many over 3 pounds and a 5 ½ pounder as the best for the day. The numbers were a bit down from previous trips and the upper end size was down as well.
It was a great day to be outdoors on this beautiful lake and property with a good friend!
Apr 04 2022
Steve Alexander
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This lake is generally very clear, but the recent rains had it a bit turbid. It will be back to normal in a week or so. One of the most beautiful lakes in the club. IMO, one of the best values in the entire club.