Lost Creek Ranch in Coldspring Produced Again

Apr 01 2022

Dale Stagg

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 31865
Property Name : Lost Creek Ranch
Reservation Date : 03/30/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 36 for me and over 50 for my brother. Up to 6 lbs.
Lures Used : Crawfish Brushhog / Pumpkin Whacky Rig Senko

I met my brother (Keith) which has recently became a new member of Private Water Fishing at Lost Creek Ranch for a full day of fishing. All reports recently showed this lake was on fire but with storms and a front that came in the day prior, we both kinda figured fishing would be off for a few days. We were wrong, this lake produced numbers and some decent sized fish. My numbers of fish are mine and I will let my brother put his numbers in his report.

We started off trying to figure out what they would want in the morning. I started with a crawfish colored brush hog and caught several fairly quickly, but they slowed down after the first hour or two. My brother switched to a whacky rig pumpin colored worm and he caught several in the back end of the finger on the right side of the ramp area while I fished the left side of the back end. I caught some and he started really catching a lot on his end of the lake and was using the whacky rig. I started using the whacky rig and caught a few and decided to move to his side of the lake and I caught several there also when it slowed a bit. I moved back to the other side of the lake in the back area left of the boat ramp area and caught multiple there but were all pretty small sized. I ended up moving closer to the boat ramp area with some deeper drop off area with more grass and started catching fish with much better size. Most were in the 2-3 lb range and I ended up with one that went 4lb 4 oz for my biggest fo the day and my brother caught one 5lb 14 oz I believe and another over 5 lbs. 

As usual, my brother caught quite a few more than I did but that is typical. He will most likely write a report also, so will leave it to him to report more but I believe he caught a bit over 50 for the day to my 36 for the day. Even 36 is a fantastic day for me and many were nice size that put up a great fight. 

I will post video later as I process it to this report. This lake is a fantastic lake to fish and this was my third time here and produced each time I have been. We saw some spawning beds but no fish on the beds that I saw and the larger fish caught were full sized bellies that appear ready to lay eggs at any time. Water was quite clear with the storm the day prior. I forgot to get a water temperature so cannot say what it was running. 

The day was sunny all day and with the cool front that came in the day before made the temperatures a bit cool of lower 50s in the morning to in the 70s during the day and felt great to be fishing in that weather. Winds were supposed to be calm, but we had winds off and on all day trying to stay in in place fishing. Thankfully, I have spot lock on my kayak and makes it easy but the wind turns kayak to wrong position while sitting many times. 

Thanks to PWF and the landowner for suppling this lake for some of the best fishing anywhere I have seen.

Apr 03 2022

Dale Stagg

Slot Fish

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Video has been uploaded into original post.

Apr 04 2022

Wayne Pruitt

Slot Fish

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Dale I love the videos and ur post!!!!!! Keep them coming……..I am scared you are going to loose a depth finder on some of those hook sets! LOL! I bet your brother had a blast on that lake………..I have that hobie in the same color and love it but I am pushing the pedals for medicinal purposes. You have that kayak rigged to the T. Very impressive set up. 

Apr 04 2022

Dale Stagg

Slot Fish

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Originaly Posted By Wayne Pruitt

Dale I love the videos and ur post!!!!!! Keep them coming……..I am scared you are going to loose a depth finder on some of those hook sets! LOL! I bet your brother had a blast on that lake………..I have that hobie in the same color and love it but I am pushing the pedals for medicinal purposes. You have that kayak rigged to the T. Very impressive set up. 

Yes Wayne, my kayak is fully rigged out. I love fishing in it. I do pedal a lot but the spotlock feature makes fishing so much easier and some traveling too with it. Those finders do move a bit but pretty solid too. Thanks and hope to do a lot more in 5he near future.