Mar 28 2022
John Little
Reservation Number : 31738
Property Name : BlackJack Ranch
Reservation Date : 03/26/2022 PM - 03/26/2022 PM
Total Fish/Sizes : 70+, biggest was 3-lbs
Lures Used : Senkos (green/metal flake), Worms (black or dark blue), torpedos (silver/blue)
Started at 1:30 with strong south wind. Fished from west bank to start off and to save the battery for later. Did drifts with the wind and had steady action throughout the day. Had lots of “early the boat” due to mostly small bass not swallowing the worms and dealing with the wind moving the boat around. Later in the day when the wind started to lay is when it really got wild. Focused on the east bank so the sun would be at our back and started to catch one right after the other casting to the shore using weightless senkos and worms. As the sun was setting and the water got slick on the west bank, moved over there and switched to Torpedos. The action was a topwater fishermans dream. Literally, every cast was producing strikes. Nothing big, but streaking, wake creating slams. Culling and filling the cooloer as fast as we could cast until it was almost dark and couldn’t see where you were casting. May have caught closer to 90 total but lost count because the action was superb. Water was very clear and lake was 100% full. No surface weeds. Got to see a cow give birth about 50 yards from the bank too.
Mar 28 2022
Steve Alexander
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Love the whole PWF experiences you guys have. Especially the cow birth 50 yards away. Awesome!